New treatments are in development to help mediate migraine attacks, which could give patients a better quality of life.
We won’t rest until migraine suffers can find relief
New treatments using CGRP inhibitors offer new hope to migraine patients by giving them a chance to regain function and improve their quality of life.
CGRP inhibitors will offer a new opportunity for migraine sufferers, lowering the number and severity of migraine attacks.
What is the potential breakthrough for people living with migraines?
Migraine is one of the most common neurological conditions in the world, and 20% of patients suffer more than 15 migraine days per month. Current therapies are not very effective, leading to refractory patients who have no treatment option available. CGRP inhibitors work to block a key signalling process known to be involved in migraine mediation, to attenuate or prevent episodic or chronic migraine. This represents a new treatment paradigm, offering migraine patients a chance to regain function and improve their quality of life.
How will it help patients?
Patients currently suffer an estimated total of 3.9bn migraine days per year. Current therapies can struggle to sufficiently control migraine symptoms, especially if taken too late. CGRP inhibitors offer a new hope for patients who have no other treatments available, enabling patients to have more function during attacks, providing them with greater autonomy. Acute therapies have been shown to prevent some of the worst migraine symptom in 37% of patients.
How many patients could it help?
Migraine is one of the most common neurological conditions in the world, affecting about 10% of the general population in Europe. However, up to 50% of sufferers do not seek medical help due to lack of efficacy of existing treatments. CGRP inhibitors may provide a new treatment option, not only for patients taking existing medications, but also for those who opt out of treatment altogether. Thus, an extra 7 million EU patients – who would otherwise not seek out migraine therapy – could find much-needed relief. Who could benefit most from these new treatments?
Women are 3 times more likely to suffer from migraine than men, meaning the impact of CGRP inhibitors is more likely to be felt by women. However, children and teenagers can also experience migraine, especially once puberty is reached, resulting in loss of time from school. Extended school absences can have longer term consequences on a pupil’s education, which can have a wider impact on productivity later in life.
What is the potential impact on Europe’s healthcare systems?
Higher efficacy therapies can lower the number of primary care appointments needed for existing patients, as well as potentially lowering the burden of medication overuse headache. These new therapies can improve productivity, through lowering the number of days lost to work and school, thereby enabling patients to live fuller lives.